Sunday, October 16, 2011

6 Months

Hard to believe it! Everyone told us it went fast but it's still crazy to experience it. Aria is growing and changing so much everyday. Our 6 month doctor visit puts her at 15.13 pounds (but I seriously thought she was heavier then that!) and a whopping 27 inches long. Her first teeth came in at 4 1/2 months, she loves eating, hates sleeping and is working on her crawling skills. She's a big talker (favorite sound = aiyayayayay) and is keeping mom and dad fully entertained with her exuberant personality!


  1. I love it!!! These pics are ADORABLE! Man I can't wait to meet her. Logan and Aria are gonna have sooo much fun. Miss u guys!

  2. I think her and Elka would be great pals! They could plot the non-sleeping business, and crawl all over the place together, she is sooooo cute!

  3. And she's STILL entertaining and exuberant!
