The mother and father of Ms. Aria Olivia Scotti are happy to announce her arrival. Riding in on a Pacific storm of epic proportions, our sweet little girl joined the world of fellow air breathers at 6:15 am on Thursday April 7th.
So may things went right during pregnancy, labor and delivery it is really quite amazing. Michelle started to feel contractions with some regularity on the 6th and we both spent the day enjoying our time together and working on middle names. The aquarium kept us busy for a bit and Michelle got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa while I did manly stuff like change the oil in his truck and eat meatball sandwiches.
Around 9pm, contractions started coming in more regularly and as we prepared the last of the bags to head to the birth center it was evident that things were moving in the right direction. Our Bradley Birth course had prepared us for such changes and by 10 I was napping while Michelle was fighting off contractions and sending emails to clients on the mainland. 11pm, water breaks..... now it's go time.
12:30: Contractions are roughly 4 minutes apart and picking up in intensity when we battle the downpour to load the remaining items into the truck.
Lightning, pounding rain and driving wind met full force with the truck as we careened over the Pali Highway. I managed to keep it to a decent speed and it certainly helps that no one is on the road at this time of night and in this weather by choice!
Check in at 1am to a quiet ward and off to our room. Considering Michelle and I had chosen to labor without meds, we couldn't be happier with the staff at Castle Medical Center. They viewed our birth plan then left us alone to labor. Michelle is an all out CHAMPION and such an amazingly tough, composed and together woman in labor. I felt so proud to be by her side for the entire amazing and magical experience.
By 4:30am the contractions were very hard and intense. By 5:30, she was fully dialated and the urge to push took over...... Only 45 minutes of tough and intense pushes assisted by me and a very attentive and confident nurse and the Doc coming in just at the right time and here are the results:

We are so excited to share this wonderful world with our little one and are quickly learning all sorts of fun parenting skills while trying to squeeze naps in. She's doing amazing too! Tons of time feeding with momma and leaving lots of good messes for dad to clean up. We are thankful for the love and outpouring of support from family and friends in the past months and look forward to seeing everyone with our amazing little lady in the months and weeks to come.
Phones are off at this point so please no calls (Gabe's is actually routing to Uncle Drew's phone)...... text messages, emails and facebook messages are fine and we love you all so much! We'll have this little one home tomorrow for the weekend!
Michelle, Gabe and Aria Scotti