Here she is and here are some of her cool new tricks.....
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
6 Months
Hard to believe it! Everyone told us it went fast but it's still crazy to experience it. Aria is growing and changing so much everyday. Our 6 month doctor visit puts her at 15.13 pounds (but I seriously thought she was heavier then that!) and a whopping 27 inches long. Her first teeth came in at 4 1/2 months, she loves eating, hates sleeping and is working on her crawling skills. She's a big talker (favorite sound = aiyayayayay) and is keeping mom and dad fully entertained with her exuberant personality!

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Aria's first food!
The video sums it up.....
The excitement of raising this little wiggle pants is too much. She's been such a joy and in the past mont we have done well to establish bed times and naps as well as learn to splash around in the bath. If we could only stop these 3am wakeup calls!
More in a bit from the world of Aria!
The excitement of raising this little wiggle pants is too much. She's been such a joy and in the past mont we have done well to establish bed times and naps as well as learn to splash around in the bath. If we could only stop these 3am wakeup calls!
More in a bit from the world of Aria!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Newborn Photo Shoot
I can't believe how big our little Aria is getting! She had gained more then a pound at her two week doctor visit and now at three weeks I have no doubt she is still packing them on! So I had to make sure and get some of those squishy newborn shots as soon as possible. She did really great, waking up a few times along the way only slightly frustrated by the ridiculous things that her mother was putting her through. So here are some highlights from Aria's first photo shoot at 10 days old.

Friday, April 8, 2011
Aria Olivia Scotti
The mother and father of Ms. Aria Olivia Scotti are happy to announce her arrival. Riding in on a Pacific storm of epic proportions, our sweet little girl joined the world of fellow air breathers at 6:15 am on Thursday April 7th.
So may things went right during pregnancy, labor and delivery it is really quite amazing. Michelle started to feel contractions with some regularity on the 6th and we both spent the day enjoying our time together and working on middle names. The aquarium kept us busy for a bit and Michelle got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa while I did manly stuff like change the oil in his truck and eat meatball sandwiches.
Around 9pm, contractions started coming in more regularly and as we prepared the last of the bags to head to the birth center it was evident that things were moving in the right direction. Our Bradley Birth course had prepared us for such changes and by 10 I was napping while Michelle was fighting off contractions and sending emails to clients on the mainland. 11pm, water breaks..... now it's go time.
12:30: Contractions are roughly 4 minutes apart and picking up in intensity when we battle the downpour to load the remaining items into the truck.
Lightning, pounding rain and driving wind met full force with the truck as we careened over the Pali Highway. I managed to keep it to a decent speed and it certainly helps that no one is on the road at this time of night and in this weather by choice!
Check in at 1am to a quiet ward and off to our room. Considering Michelle and I had chosen to labor without meds, we couldn't be happier with the staff at Castle Medical Center. They viewed our birth plan then left us alone to labor. Michelle is an all out CHAMPION and such an amazingly tough, composed and together woman in labor. I felt so proud to be by her side for the entire amazing and magical experience.
By 4:30am the contractions were very hard and intense. By 5:30, she was fully dialated and the urge to push took over...... Only 45 minutes of tough and intense pushes assisted by me and a very attentive and confident nurse and the Doc coming in just at the right time and here are the results:

We are so excited to share this wonderful world with our little one and are quickly learning all sorts of fun parenting skills while trying to squeeze naps in. She's doing amazing too! Tons of time feeding with momma and leaving lots of good messes for dad to clean up. We are thankful for the love and outpouring of support from family and friends in the past months and look forward to seeing everyone with our amazing little lady in the months and weeks to come.
Phones are off at this point so please no calls (Gabe's is actually routing to Uncle Drew's phone)...... text messages, emails and facebook messages are fine and we love you all so much! We'll have this little one home tomorrow for the weekend!
Michelle, Gabe and Aria Scotti
So may things went right during pregnancy, labor and delivery it is really quite amazing. Michelle started to feel contractions with some regularity on the 6th and we both spent the day enjoying our time together and working on middle names. The aquarium kept us busy for a bit and Michelle got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa while I did manly stuff like change the oil in his truck and eat meatball sandwiches.
Around 9pm, contractions started coming in more regularly and as we prepared the last of the bags to head to the birth center it was evident that things were moving in the right direction. Our Bradley Birth course had prepared us for such changes and by 10 I was napping while Michelle was fighting off contractions and sending emails to clients on the mainland. 11pm, water breaks..... now it's go time.
12:30: Contractions are roughly 4 minutes apart and picking up in intensity when we battle the downpour to load the remaining items into the truck.
Lightning, pounding rain and driving wind met full force with the truck as we careened over the Pali Highway. I managed to keep it to a decent speed and it certainly helps that no one is on the road at this time of night and in this weather by choice!
Check in at 1am to a quiet ward and off to our room. Considering Michelle and I had chosen to labor without meds, we couldn't be happier with the staff at Castle Medical Center. They viewed our birth plan then left us alone to labor. Michelle is an all out CHAMPION and such an amazingly tough, composed and together woman in labor. I felt so proud to be by her side for the entire amazing and magical experience.
By 4:30am the contractions were very hard and intense. By 5:30, she was fully dialated and the urge to push took over...... Only 45 minutes of tough and intense pushes assisted by me and a very attentive and confident nurse and the Doc coming in just at the right time and here are the results:

We are so excited to share this wonderful world with our little one and are quickly learning all sorts of fun parenting skills while trying to squeeze naps in. She's doing amazing too! Tons of time feeding with momma and leaving lots of good messes for dad to clean up. We are thankful for the love and outpouring of support from family and friends in the past months and look forward to seeing everyone with our amazing little lady in the months and weeks to come.
Phones are off at this point so please no calls (Gabe's is actually routing to Uncle Drew's phone)...... text messages, emails and facebook messages are fine and we love you all so much! We'll have this little one home tomorrow for the weekend!
Michelle, Gabe and Aria Scotti
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunrise on Oahu....
I guess we are a little restless these days. So much is unknown. Another great checkup with the Doc yesterday and Michelle's folks are here for some Grandma and Grandpa time. A rare morning off for me and both of us awake and unable to sleep at 5am.
Let's go watch the sunrise!
Slow speed of ascent after coffee gave way to an amazing view at Makapu'u. We greeted the first light of the day as we will our daughter, knowing that each are in fact only a matter of time. Sunrise however is more predictable.... and oh so miraculous!

Let's go watch the sunrise!
Slow speed of ascent after coffee gave way to an amazing view at Makapu'u. We greeted the first light of the day as we will our daughter, knowing that each are in fact only a matter of time. Sunrise however is more predictable.... and oh so miraculous!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Underwater Belly Photos
First off, a huge thank you to all of our friends and family for the outpouring of love and gifts. Gabe's task today is to build a couple of new shelves as we have run out of places to put things from our baby registry. Thanks also to everyone participating in the baby due date gambling pool. If you haven't gotten in on it yet - today is your last chance to cast your vote!
We are all healthy and happy. Baby Scotti is getting bigger and continues to keep my belly bouncing. As I approach 39 weeks, we are getting very anxious to meet her. Gabe is convinced she will be here next week, I am not letting myself consider that. She will be here when she is good and ready :)
And now a HUGE thanks to Eddy Fong of Renai Photography. He is an amazing photographer and awesome friend. I got it in my head long ago that I wanted to take underwater pregnancy photos. Eddy usually does this with wedding and engagement couples but when I asked him to take belly photos he was all for it. One of the things I had not considered was how hard it would be to stay underwater. I am a freaking Buoy! We spent two hours bobbing around in a friends pool. I had no idea what to expect but besides for being an incredible workout, it was a lot of fun - even Gabe had a good time! We've only seen a few so far and I am so thrilled. Can't wait to see the rest Eddy!

We are all healthy and happy. Baby Scotti is getting bigger and continues to keep my belly bouncing. As I approach 39 weeks, we are getting very anxious to meet her. Gabe is convinced she will be here next week, I am not letting myself consider that. She will be here when she is good and ready :)
And now a HUGE thanks to Eddy Fong of Renai Photography. He is an amazing photographer and awesome friend. I got it in my head long ago that I wanted to take underwater pregnancy photos. Eddy usually does this with wedding and engagement couples but when I asked him to take belly photos he was all for it. One of the things I had not considered was how hard it would be to stay underwater. I am a freaking Buoy! We spent two hours bobbing around in a friends pool. I had no idea what to expect but besides for being an incredible workout, it was a lot of fun - even Gabe had a good time! We've only seen a few so far and I am so thrilled. Can't wait to see the rest Eddy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Baby Due Date Betting Pool!
Because it's always fun to bring a little gambling into the mix, we thought it would be fun to start a baby due date betting pool. It started at the baby shower and we thought we would open it up to include whoever else might care to make a wager. So come and take a guess. Will she be early? Will she be late? Or will Michelle get the best birthday present ever and deliver right on time...
1. $5.00 per guess, feel free to enter multiple times.
2. Guess the day, hour and minute that you think Baby Scotti will be born (Hawaii Standard Time :)
3. Closest guess to the minute is the WINNER!
4. In the event of a tie, the winner is the person who chose the closest after the exact time of birth.
5. Half of the final pool goes to the winner, the other half goes to Baby Scotti's college fund.
6. All bets must be placed no later then March 25th.
Donate through Paypal using the button at the bottom of this post. $5.00 donation per entry. When you reach the page asking you to review your donation, click on the line in blue that says: Enter name, date and time of guess here. Enter the date and exact time, including AM or PM of your guess in this box. *Calender will not auto update. Just be sure to enter the date and time on the paypal form and we will add it to the calendar asap.
Check the calendar before making your guess to make sure it's not a time and day that has already been claimed. Guessing is first come first serve. If you duplicate someone else's guess we will contact you to choose a new time.
(Click on the forward arrow next to March 2011 to see April)
We are at 37 weeks so it could really be any time between now and mid-April!
1. $5.00 per guess, feel free to enter multiple times.
2. Guess the day, hour and minute that you think Baby Scotti will be born (Hawaii Standard Time :)
3. Closest guess to the minute is the WINNER!
4. In the event of a tie, the winner is the person who chose the closest after the exact time of birth.
5. Half of the final pool goes to the winner, the other half goes to Baby Scotti's college fund.
6. All bets must be placed no later then March 25th.
Donate through Paypal using the button at the bottom of this post. $5.00 donation per entry. When you reach the page asking you to review your donation, click on the line in blue that says: Enter name, date and time of guess here. Enter the date and exact time, including AM or PM of your guess in this box. *Calender will not auto update. Just be sure to enter the date and time on the paypal form and we will add it to the calendar asap.
Check the calendar before making your guess to make sure it's not a time and day that has already been claimed. Guessing is first come first serve. If you duplicate someone else's guess we will contact you to choose a new time.
(Click on the forward arrow next to March 2011 to see April)
We are at 37 weeks so it could really be any time between now and mid-April!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Pregnancy Pictures
So much going on in Scotti Paradise! Baby is almost here and there are a million things left to do. I (Michelle) got a hold of the blog template and decided to pretty it up a bit :) Also thought I'd share a few of the first round of pregnancy pics that I made Gabe suffer through...

Photos by Hermosa Baby Photography

Photos by Hermosa Baby Photography
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Hitting the home stretch!
Well, the Holidays have come and gone. We both stayed super busy and by the time we looked at a calendar we were at 28 weeks..... whoah! That mean's it's 3rd Trimester time. The checklist is growing.
Crib. Done
Stroller. Yup
Baby Clothes. Check
Stuffed Animals. Multiplying by the week in the aforementioned crib.
Mommy and Daddy Classes...... oops, skipped the first one because the Ducks were in the BCS National Championship Game.
Here's how we celebrated.

Kicks and punches are getting more intense and frequent, especially after Michelle eats. The wee one has also decided to turn herself head down as we had hoped and the vitals are looking good!
More from us soon and all the best in 2011.
Gabe and Michelle
Crib. Done
Stroller. Yup
Baby Clothes. Check
Stuffed Animals. Multiplying by the week in the aforementioned crib.
Mommy and Daddy Classes...... oops, skipped the first one because the Ducks were in the BCS National Championship Game.
Here's how we celebrated.

Kicks and punches are getting more intense and frequent, especially after Michelle eats. The wee one has also decided to turn herself head down as we had hoped and the vitals are looking good!
More from us soon and all the best in 2011.
Gabe and Michelle
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